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Babies in the Workplace Program Proves Successful


Babies in the Workplace Program Proves Successful

Developing a strong culture requires more than just words. Once a culture is defined, action must follow to succeed. At Electro, our team is always looking for ways to embrace and incorporate policies and practices that align with our three-legged stool: a family atmosphere, collaboration, and transparency and accountability.

So, when the idea to encourage new parents to bring their newborns into the office was discussed, the management team was eager to make it happen.

In early 2020, Electro’s Babies in the Workplace policy became official, and our first infant joined us in the office in December 2022.

Systems Analyst Andrew Deromedi brought in his 3-month-old daughter, Lucy, as his sweet and adorable cubicle mate until March, when she turned six months old.

Andrew and Lucy working in the office

“Andrew’s little girl was the highlight of everyone’s day,” says Tori Hildwein, People Services Manager. “People would make trips downstairs to his office just to pop in and see her. She’s our Electro baby.”

Hildwein says the Babies in the Workplace program is easy to participate in. There are some documents to fill out, and each employee is required to secure two back-up co-workers who can take care of the baby during meetings. Parents can bring their infants to work until they’re six months old, which helps cut down on daycare costs and gives them valuable time with their new babies.

Deromedi says he was nervous about bringing her in on the first day. How much attention would she need, how would co-workers react to fussiness, and would bringing her in derail his work – all of which were unknowns. The reality was that bringing her to work was the most incredible experience.

“One of the biggest benefits was being able to spend time with her that I missed out on while my wife was on maternity leave,” he says. “Despite how hectic it was sometimes, I got to spend time with her. Now I know her routine and what she likes and dislikes, so when she gets fussy, I know what she needs.”

Having Lucy around was a morale booster for everyone in the office, Hildwein and Deromedi agreed. He says one of his colleagues was having a tough day, so she came down to see Lucy to cheer herself up. Lucy got used to people coming by to see her, which was great for developing her social skills, Deromedi says. 

“Everyone was extraordinarily sad when it was her last day,” he says. “Everyone who works at this company, and the people in the same office as me, have been incredibly helpful and understanding. No one was upset when she cried. I don’t have enough good things to say.”

To any soon-to-be parents considering participating in the program, Deromedi encourages them to take advantage of the opportunity. His biggest advice is not to be afraid to ask for help. He works from home two weeks every month, and when he’s home, he has to handle everything himself. But when he brought her into the office, so many people were excited to lend a hand, and it was a tremendous help.

The Babies in the Workplace program is just one example of benefits that aim to improve the happiness and well-being of Electro employees.

Hildwein said other benefits include a $300 annual reimbursement for health-related activities (gym memberships, home equipment, etc.) and 16 hours that can be used annually for wellbeing days, which can be paid or unpaid.

To help ease any financial stress, Electro offers tuition reimbursement and student loan pay downs. Since 2017, Electro has paid $37,452 toward student loan repayment. Employees who need to buy clothing for work or technology for personal use can receive 0% interest loans repaid through payroll.

Some of these benefits began with a “wouldn’t it be great if…” conversation, and we love that at Electro. We’re proud to have been voted one of the best places to work in St. Louis, and we’re always happy to facilitate new ideas that could improve our team's work and home lives.

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